I joined Checkatrade less than a year ago and i thought I would share my experience with you all. However its impossible for me to tell you how much work can be gained from your investment with Checkatrade. The simple reason for this is that it seems very area specific. I’m friends with many locksmiths all over […]


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What is happening to our trade and where is it going in future? On Facebook groups and locksmith forums all I seem to be seeing lately is posts from genuine local locksmiths about national locksmith company’s. Pictures of very shoddy work by nationals, invoices for ridiculous amounts charged by nationals to unsuspecting customers, reviews left on sites […]


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  **** Guest Post By Click Guardian **** What is click fraud and does it affect me? It’s well known that using Google AdWords to generate leads that turn into jobs is prime marketing technique that many locksmiths adopt.  The beauty of AdWords in its purest form is being able to use keywords such as ‘locksmith Leicester’ […]


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Wow The Locksmith World has hit 200 subscribers! Not a huge amount I know but when I started writing this blog I never dreamed it would hit 200 subscribers so well happy with that. It’s actually at 207 at the moment so I guess the next milestone is going to be 300. The blog has doubled in […]


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On the 21st of this month The Locksmith World was 1 year old. When I started the blog I was hoping to post at least once a week but the reality is that it’s very difficult to find time to post once a month never mind once a week. Over the past year I’ve uploaded 25 posts […]


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