A few months back GJ Lock Tools launched a brand new decoder for the Era Fortress, Union Strong Bolt and also the new Yale BS (which is exactly the same as a Strong bolt). It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of GJ Lock Tools products as you can probably tell from previous tool reviews, and […]


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GJ tools

A belated merry Christmas and a Happy new year to everbody! Hope everybody managed to get a break from locksmithing at some point over the holidays and have a little bit of a rest. Another tool review for you this month. This time it’s another tool from GJ Locks, the new securefast decoder. I got fed up […]


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Era Vectis Decoder For those who don’t already know the Era Vectis is a type of door lock that was designed to eliminate lock snapping altogether by turning a multi point locking gearbox into a mortice style lock. The advantage to this kind of set up is that there’s no euro cylinder for a would be burglar […]


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