In an era where technology plays an increasingly vital role in our daily lives, it’s no surprise that home security is also evolving to meet the demands of modern homeowners. Ultion Nuki, a cutting-edge smart lock system, has emerged as a game-changer in home security. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll deep dive into how Ultion Nuki works, […]


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Rick’s 2020 three star lock cylinder guide As a busy locksmith in my twelfth year of trading I’ve keenly followed the rapid development in upvc door lock designs, from the initial prototypes put out for testing to the bulletproof designs we’re now installing on a regular basis. When I was in my first few years of training […]


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I joined Checkatrade less than a year ago and i thought I would share my experience with you all. However its impossible for me to tell you how much work can be gained from your investment with Checkatrade. The simple reason for this is that it seems very area specific. I’m friends with many locksmiths all over […]


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The Brisant Ultion has finally achieved TS007 3 star and sold secure diamond standard. As far as I’m aware there is only one other lock which has achieved sold secure diamond and that’s the Avocet ABS. Both the ABS and the Ultion were designed by Steve Stewart so that’s quite an achievement being the only person to […]


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Well the new Brisant E anti snap euro cylinder has finally arrived so I thought I would get a few straight away and do a review. The Brisant E was designed by Steve Stewart who was also the brains behind the very popular and very secure Avocet Abs. The Brisant E has been designed as a low […]


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The Avocet ABS Mk3 has been around for a while now and is one of the most popular anti snap locks found around Yorkshire so I thought I would do a review. How ABS Locks Work As the name suggests the mk3 ABS is the 3rd generation of ABS anti snap lock. The ABS works in a […]


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Lock Picks

Well I have been wanting some Storm lock picks for a long time now and have been putting off buying them as I couldn’t justify buying more picks when there’s nothing wrong with the sets I already own, I usually use HPC picks but the attractive look of the storm picks got the better of me and I just had to order some. Having never played with or seen any storm picks in person I thought I had […]


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