
When you are considering a career at any age, one of big incentives is the wage you can earn when you have completed your training. There are many high paid jobs out there, solicitors, lawyers, doctors, and they all come with years of training. If you believe what you read online, you can earn 60 to 100k a year as a locksmith Leeds after only 3 days of training. Ever heard the old saying if it sounds too good to be true it usually is? Well in my opinion locksmith training is no different. I’m not saying don’t do it, I’m saying if your going to do it make sure you have all the facts first.

How Much Money Do Locksmiths Earn?

While there may be the odd exception to the rule, earning this kind of salary after such a short period of time must be viewed as unrealistic to say the least. Think about it logically for a minute, if you only had to give up 3 days of your life to make that kind of money, everybody would be a locksmith.

The word ‘earnings’ itself is a grey area as it could be implying this is turnover, and that is a very different to profit. Turnover represents all the money brought into the business, not the actually profits after taxes and materials, vehicle costs etc.

The talk of a high salary entices people in who are looking to get into the locksmith trade. A common target for locksmith training courses is to target people with money to burn. Often this is people who’ve been made redundant so have redundancy funds available, or people leaving the military that are able to spend military credits to lean a new trade.

I can’t deny that some locksmiths do indeed make a very good living and can infact make between £60 – £100k profit. But to achieve this they put in an awful lot of hard work over a long period of time. They have good business sense, work very long hours and it has to be said, experience a certain amount of luck when it comes to their clients. Sometimes good things just fall into your lap, but 99% of the time you have to put years of consitant hard work in to pick up that amazing contract or repeat work.

It takes a long time to learn the locksmith trade, then you have to establish yourself and earn a reputation so you have a quality customer base and constant referrals. Being a locksmith is not a way of getting rich quick, it has to be viewed in the long term. Its not unrealistic to think you might not make any profit at all in the first year or two.

Your earnings as a locksmith will depend on a number of factors.

  • Are you going to be a general locksmith or specialise in an area such as cars or safes?
  • Are you going to work for a company or go down the self employed route?
  • How many locksmiths are there within A 20 mile radius?
  • Are you prepared to be on call 24 hours a day?

Being a locksmith is a very satisfying trade to be in, but not one that will let you retire after a year or two. I don’t want to discourage anybody from having a go at becoming a locksmith. That is certainly not the purpose of this article, but if you are going to take the plunge you need to have the facts and be prepared to put the hard graft in.



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