I joined Checkatrade less than a year ago and i thought I would share my experience with you all. However its impossible for me to tell you how much work can be gained from your investment with Checkatrade. The simple reason for this is that it seems very area specific. I’m friends with many locksmiths all over […]


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What is happening to our trade and where is it going in future? On Facebook groups and locksmith forums all I seem to be seeing lately is posts from genuine local locksmiths about national locksmith company’s. Pictures of very shoddy work by nationals, invoices for ridiculous amounts charged by nationals to unsuspecting customers, reviews left on sites […]


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  **** Guest Post By Click Guardian **** What is click fraud and does it affect me? It’s well known that using Google AdWords to generate leads that turn into jobs is prime marketing technique that many locksmiths adopt.  The beauty of AdWords in its purest form is being able to use keywords such as ‘locksmith Leicester’ […]


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***Guest post by My Builder*** The Importance of Service Advertising can get you in front of a customer, but it’s the service you provide that makes them a customer for life. Besides, word-of-mouth recommendations are the best kind of advertising there is and you can only get that once you have a foundation of customers who trust […]


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Guest Post By Master Locksmith Association With 95 exhibitors from all over the world (the event is Sold Out), and taking place from the 2nd to the 4th of October at the Telford International Centre, MLA Expo is cementing its position as the biggest locksmith exhibition in Europe. Sponsored by award winning supplier ERA, MLA Expo ’15 […]


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This post is mainly aimed at new comers to the trade who might be short of work and are thinking about working for a national locksmith company but it might also be worth a read for the established locksmiths as well. There’s been a lot of hype over the past few months about national locksmith companies, you […]


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