GJ lock tools Ultion pick I purchased the GJ lock tools Ultion pick a few months back due to the high numbers of Ultion door locks we are now seeing. Ultion is now fitted by a huge number of Locksmiths and also comes as standard in many new upvc and composite doors from various companies. It’s inevitable […]


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A few months back GJ Lock Tools launched a brand new decoder for the Era Fortress, Union Strong Bolt and also the new Yale BS (which is exactly the same as a Strong bolt). It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of GJ Lock Tools products as you can probably tell from previous tool reviews, and […]


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GJ tools

A belated merry Christmas and a Happy new year to everbody! Hope everybody managed to get a break from locksmithing at some point over the holidays and have a little bit of a rest. Another tool review for you this month. This time it’s another tool from GJ Locks, the new securefast decoder. I got fed up […]


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Era Vectis Decoder For those who don’t already know the Era Vectis is a type of door lock that was designed to eliminate lock snapping altogether by turning a multi point locking gearbox into a mortice style lock. The advantage to this kind of set up is that there’s no euro cylinder for a would be burglar […]


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Guest Post By Outside-In Lock Tools As one of the newer producers of tools for Locksmiths, Outside-In Lock Tools commenced initial production around April 2011, almost by accident. It all started after a particularly troublesome lockout which involved the turning of an extremely tight key, through the letterbox. Ipswich Locksmith Simon Barber, was determined to make situations […]


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Its been a while since I made the last post but its been a busy month and I’ve only just come back from a much needed holiday. You may have noticed that a lot of the previous post comments have disappeared, this is due to a WordPress update I did which then accidentally deleted all the comments […]


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I have been very kindly sent some thumb turn wires from jay at Island Locks to test out and review. I’ve been playing with them for a couple of days now and I have also used them once onsite and it worked! What are they? Thumb turn wires are designed to help locksmiths exploit a weakness with […]


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You may have noticed over the past month or so that I haven’t been posting as regularly as normal. The idea is to post a couple of items a month but with work being busy lately it’s sometimes hard to find the time to keep up with posting new content. So here’s another instalment of “A Day […]


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I know everybody has their own way of using an electric pick gun, some people are hugely successful at opening locks with them and others not so much. I don’t think there is a right and wrong way to use a pick gun really it just depends what works for you. Personally I use my EPG’s a […]


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Welcome to the first “Day in the life of a locksmith” post. This is a new section which will feature a post once a month about the general life of a locksmith from events that have happened to me personally whilst out on site. It’s been a very varied month with a couple of quiet weeks at […]


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