GJ lock tools Ultion pick I purchased the GJ lock tools Ultion pick a few months back due to the high numbers of Ultion door locks we are now seeing. Ultion is now fitted by a huge number of Locksmiths and also comes as standard in many new upvc and composite doors from various companies. It’s inevitable […]


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Over the last few years we have seen a lot of new standards coming out for Euro cylinders. Each standard has a different meaning and now as there are so many standards it can be very confusing for locksmiths let alone customers. In my opinion the new cylinder standards are a complete mess! Let me explain, when […]


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The Brisant Ultion has finally achieved TS007 3 star and sold secure diamond standard. As far as I’m aware there is only one other lock which has achieved sold secure diamond and that’s the Avocet ABS. Both the ABS and the Ultion were designed by Steve Stewart so that’s quite an achievement being the only person to […]


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Guest Post By Brisant Secure Ltd   Here at Brisant we are continuing to respond to the requests of our locksmith customers! It is a given that our locks are good quality, easy to stock and exceptionally easy to reconfigure, but now we are responding to add depth and breadth to our range to give the trading […]


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Its been a while since I made the last post but its been a busy month and I’ve only just come back from a much needed holiday. You may have noticed that a lot of the previous post comments have disappeared, this is due to a WordPress update I did which then accidentally deleted all the comments […]


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You may have noticed over the past month or so that I haven’t been posting as regularly as normal. The idea is to post a couple of items a month but with work being busy lately it’s sometimes hard to find the time to keep up with posting new content. So here’s another instalment of “A Day […]


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Well the new Brisant E anti snap euro cylinder has finally arrived so I thought I would get a few straight away and do a review. The Brisant E was designed by Steve Stewart who was also the brains behind the very popular and very secure Avocet Abs. The Brisant E has been designed as a low […]


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The Avocet ABS Mk3 has been around for a while now and is one of the most popular anti snap locks found around Yorkshire so I thought I would do a review. How ABS Locks Work As the name suggests the mk3 ABS is the 3rd generation of ABS anti snap lock. The ABS works in a […]


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